Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Holiday Colors

really....who the fuck picks these? I'm looking and all i see everywhere is brow, yellow, red, orange. Apparently these are thanksgiving colors, who knew? So when did they decide there were colors of thanks. Is blue not a thankful color? Is brown really? We know green's not thankful, cause it's envy. And red? That's lust. So i think i've settled that they definitely keep picking the wrong colors for this stuff. And Easter, I mean, really, Pastels?!?!?!?!? They definitely had to be on crack for that one. Granted, they're probably the same people that pick the mascots. I understand turkey with thanksgiving and the use of baby jesus for christmas. But a fucking rabbit for a holiday that's meant to be one of the holiest on the christian calendar. How out of all the animals in the world did they pick a bunny rabbit? When i think rabbits, i think Bugs or the one in Alice in Wonderland. Last thing I think is regal, son of god, resurrection, last supper, etc. I think goofy, silly, hopping around little bastard that I used to shoot in Oregon Trail for 3 pounds of meat. The real problem with them in that game was that they were not only the hardest of the animals to shoot, they gave the smallest amount of meat. Now where does that logic come in? Shouldn't the ahrder to shoot equal more meat? I remember buffalo being soooooo easy and like 300 pounds, it was great. The only thing with that game, I could never get to Oregon with a full family intact. Every time, I would either lose someone fording a river or cholera would set in or something like that. I think the game was out for me. Video games, they're quite evil i think. They're out to get me. Really. They're plotting to take over the world. Well, ok, maybe not, but they like making me frustrated, i know that for sure, cause they do way too good a job of it.

So on to the random thought of the day, if that wasn't a good enough one for you before. Ice cream shops. I think the ice cream (even if it's teh same stuff) is just plain better in the store. And i've figured out why....the TINY SPOONS!!!! I really don't know why, but they make it sooooo much better. I ask for a sample and then i usually eat all of my ice cream with taht sample spoon. I think that might be the future. Cell phones go smaller, so next, utensils. I'm gonna make a whole line of small utensils. Small steak knives, small forks, the whole shebang. It'll be awesome. And then you could eat wendy's and it would taste like Ruth's Chris. mmmmm, steak. Anyway, for my first post in a month, i think i did pretty ok. Let me just say, I enjoyed europe, missed the blog, i really did. tear, forming in my left eye, no, wait, that's just a drop of me not caring, my bad.


Anonymous said...

YAY for new posts!

Anonymous said...

the colors are seasonal silly. browns and reds and yellows because thanksgiving is in the fall, pastels because easter is in the spring... come on buddy, i would have thought you'd have figured that out on your own :)

yay for a new post though!
