Saturday, November 20, 2004

Dude, I got this one...

I know it like the back of my hand. How many times have you heard that? 1000, more? Now think about you actually know the back of your hand?? I have no fucking clue what mine is like. How that got started confuses me to no end. I'm thinking there was this really weird philosopher type, and granted all philosophers are weird, but this one was weirder than all the rest. He liked to study his extremities, and not just normal ones like palms or arms/legs as a whole, but specific kinda odd ones. He studied the ball of his foot, the indent of his elbow, the kneecap, and of course, the back of his hand. Then one day a student of his asked "Mr. Weird Philosopher Guy, do you know the meaning of life?" and the philosopher responded "Like the back of my hand." The student took this as him knowing it intimately, easily, and in great detail. In fact, i think he meant it more as "I would only claim to know this cause I'm a weird fucking dude, haven't you picked up already that I study strange body parts on a regular basis? silly fuck-off student."

Anyway, now that I think that whole vein is done with, let us go on to something new. Cool thing happened today, talked to a friend i hadn't talked to in like a year and change. That was quite cool.....I mean, isn't that just the pleasant surprise of the day kind of thing? It's almost like walking along a street and boom, there's a friend in the gutter who you haven't seen for over a year....but in this case, they're just not in teh gutter. You thought i was gonna say find a dollar, didn't ya? well, i almost did, but then realized that a dollar won't talk to you, and only buys like 2 min. of friendship. But a friend, well, they can provide minutes, hours, days, months, or even years of entertainment. And you know me, i'm all about the entertainment. Cause that's why i write this. But some people tell me this is too long every time. Well, FUCK THEM!!! or something like that.

But ok, new topic, no, old topic, or ancient topic. No, new. And i'm thinking, why can'd old conjugate like good. Cause good goes to better which goes to best. I think old should be comparable. Like old, to ooter, to oost. It's got a ring to it. "My dad is old." "Yeah, well my dad is ooter." "Well, my great-grandad is the oost." I like that, now there's an argument. Almost like the triple dog dare kinda thing. You're just waiting for someone to pull the oost card. And that just the oost play in teh book. It's just not even a surprise when someone does it anymore. Used to be, but that was back in teh olden days. And that's a good word, olden, i like it, it's got character.

Well, taht's it for today, a short one, live with it, i am. Quote of the day: "Show them the Qwon.""Don't use that word, that's my word."

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