Monday, September 06, 2004

Goodnight Moon

i said goodnight's rude not to respond...ok, fine, we're not talking anymore...that moon, what a jackass. I mean really, it's like trying to use the old excuse "so, i'm an inanimate object, don't assume my ass is gonna talk back to you"...but then like adding on a friendly "bitch" at the end. I feel hurt, that was truly painful. Such an evil moon, i can't wait til the new moon, then i don't have to look at its stupid face for a whole night, that'll be nice. so mean, evil evil moon. which makes me think it's got to be female, cause boys are dumb (hence me talking to the moon) and women are evil (cause they are, i can't explain why, they just are).

And the epiphany of the day...I would so rather be smart and injured than stupid and healthy. Think about it, if you were stupid and healthy, you'd still be stupid, and while you would enjoy being healthy and all, your stupidity would cause you suck at life. On the other hand, if you're injured and smart, well, then you can just find ways to keep happy even though you're not healthy. Like if i had a broken leg, i'd still find ways to have fun and be entertained, granted all from crutches. On the other hand, if i was stupid, well, i'd be stupid, and that would suck. Speaking of stupidity....

I'm bringing my personal life into the blog....i'm confused.

Now that that's over with, is confusion so bad? I mean, eventually things will make sense, and if they make sense you're not confused anymore, and all is right in the world. That's almost like i continued on the personal track, but not really, just the random thought that i had. And i was thinking about the most confusing thing there is, when you line up your hands wrong on the keyboard. You know what i'm talking don't get the fingers where they belong and instead of typing things like "hi, how are you?" you type "hi hoe str you?". Talk about confusing me, it causes lots and lots of deletion. And when the other person sees it they're like "you on crack, acid, pcp or sleep deprivation?" to which i always answer, "erll fuh, og voutdr i'm on vtsvk." :-P you know you're translating that right now....

So yeah, not really feeling like i'm at my usual form tonight, usually, i'd be blogging til the cows come home, but apparently, i'm only waiting for the mules, and they turn in early. And honestly, who came up with that statement..."til the cows come home" do they ever really leave, i thought all they do is graze. Apparently i was wrong, they hit the clubs, hook up with strangers, sleep in weird places, wake up in odder ones, get banned from bars, eat lots of Krystal (chiks, no, not cannibalism, we don't condone that here), get a shake at shitty cafe, realize they have a lab due in 6 hours, hit up mac's for some vodka, start drinking, go back home, and start on the lab report....crazy cows...i like them more and more every time i meet them. There are people out there that are cows, and if you call them one, it should be a compliment, that they're cool and party, not an insult that they're fat. Mules though, they suck, they're short, akward, not really cute, have that screetchy annoying voice, and they're no fun to ride. last time they went to a bar wasw 1978, adn that was only cause they were serving 2 for 1 hay and juice mixes. They're usually home by 10 and when they're not, they're just thinking about all of the work they have to do when they get home, not the random crossbreeds they can take back with them. Boring mules....nobody really likes them anyway. (if you're a mule, and can read, i don't apologize, cause i can have kids and you can't....HA!)

And i'm back to old like, you love it, you want some more of it, uh huh, ok, uh huh, that's right....Gooooooooo BEN! And that brings me to cheers....they're kinda dumb. There are so few that are really good, like the Budweiser Song, or stuff like that. But really, I can only go "gooooo jackets" so many times before a game without finally being like "what i said before, it goes for now too, woo hoo, go team". Don't get me wrong, i love GT sports, but can i just sit and watch without having to do some of the really bad cheers? like for example the one that's like do-do-do-do-do-do, Go jackets, do-do-do-do-do-do, go jackets, do-do-do-do-do-do, go jackets, doot-do-do-do-dooooooo, AHHHH!!!! But anyway, i think i'm done with the whole posting thing today.....good luck, be cool, don't suck, and don't drool....ok, so the sign off needs work, i'll side with "i'm the greatest man alive!!!" for today....or not, cause i don't want to quote adam is the real one, and it might stick "Together we...burned the village...raped the horses...rode off on the women...pillaged...plundered...who the hell are you?" (yay for Three Amigos)


Anonymous said...

the one i hate most is the "yellow!" "jackets!" one... after about 3 of those, i'm thinking "alright, ENOUGH already. we get the point!"


Anonymous said...

Have I ever told you that you crack me UP!?!?

~your only reader:)