Saturday, September 18, 2004

gay = bad

The infestation must be stopped. They're like termites, destroying the foundation of our society. They should be exterminated. Silly fags. That's what you would hear if i was a right wing, conservative asshole. But i'm not, as some would say, I'm a Liberal Hippy Douche, or as I like to be called, cool mack daddy hipster douche. Yeah, so that was really lame, but still, I told some people that I would title this one "gay = bad" so i did. Granted I was tempted to title it "gay = delicious" but that might have been taken the wrong way, so then i thought up "gay/straight - confused = that guy" or the obvious "gay + straight = bi", but taht was too easy. The one that i was really considering was "gay * sick ^ disgusting / normal = republican" but that might have offended some of my readers. I would have been right, but still it would have offended them.

So on to more important matters, like what's going on in my head. Which honestly, is nothing, i'm not much of a thinker, more of a spewer, just let the ideas flow as they come, see what drops by, comes out, seems funny, gets typed, you know how it is. Or you don't cause you're not me, and be a little thankful, cause my mind is a mess of pointless thoguhts. Nothing really comes thru too clearly except for when i'm really passionate about somehting, like baseball, movies or giving important advice to a close friend. And yes, i do give good advice, ask the gay types, i give them good advice, except for "the fag" (and he knows who he is, and yes, that makes me "the jew"), cause well, he doesn't need my advice, but we compliment eachother well, i think that's why we're such good friends. And now for the funny, i swear, it's coming, but wait, i have to go to work, so i'll finish this at some later time.

so now i'm back from work. It's been a good 10 hours or so. I was thinking these really profound thoughts on teh way back, but they're really not sticking in there. I was at a bar and thinking funny stuff, and now, it's gone, oh well. So I have to think of something to write here to entertain you, don't i? Well, i figure i can start iwth my favorite subject in the world, BEER! Beer is like the nectar of the gods. Except, well, if you take that literally, that would make it kinda like the jizz of the gods and that not cool, cause, as i mentioned in the title, gay=bad. Really, would you want to drink it if that's what it was? If you answer yes to this and are female, please, feel free to share this with me...vitally important information and all. So yeah, I was saying, beer is awesome. I think we should go back to the way it was before water purification existed and you drank beer instead cause it was safer. That would be soooooo super cool, it'd give me an excuse to drink at any point in time. But it would have such low alcohol content that it wouldn't really effect me.

And i was thinking about the earlier part of the post, wouldn't it be weird if i wasn't a liberal hippy type? I mean, imagine me as a crazy fuck-off right wing bastard. That would be SOOOOO weird. I would hate most of humanity (wait, i already do) but i would also be a right-wing bastard. That would so suck. I mean, i have nothing against them (except that they suck at life, like you do) and i really do like people (no, not really, just saying that to be nice), cuase they're people. yay people. Yay soylent green!!!! Soylent green is made of people!!!! yay to charleton heston for introducing that line into american pop culture.

And you ever think about that line "just saying it to be nice". It's like saying "well, fuck you times 1000, i really think you suck to the extreme, but i'm saying this to look like i don't hate you, then i'm going to announce that you suck to every one by saying 'well, just to be nice' cause you don't deserve nice, due to your suckiness". That's the biggest fuck you ever. I can see it now, "just to be nice, i would say that's a beautiful dress" which can be translated to "that trashy piece of shit looks like something a hooker would give away cause it's too risque for her, a little too trashy i would venture." I think that's gonna be my new thing, i'll start every sentence with "just to be nice" and see how many times i get punched, slapped, shot or killed. I'm betting in one week, the number exceeds 10. So, just to be nice, i'm gonna end this post. And i'll end it with this line (cookie if you know what it's from) "can you blow me where the pampers is?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Less funny than usual, Ben. I'm disappointed.