Sunday, July 04, 2004

So I've neglected you...

Sorry, but I was at home and busy and stuff. So, subjects for today, Superhero Politics and Squishy shoes, plus whatever comes to mind.

Before I get started, let me say this... NEVER TAKE ME SERIOUSLY. Yes, (going back to last post) I think 'pubs are dumb, but my reasoning was solely for entertainment purposes, as this whole page is. Nothing here is meant to offend, more meant to bring a laugh, and if i'm not good enough for that, then at least a chuckle.

So, on to the superheros. Starting with Punisher. He's not just a member but the leader of the US Pacifist Party. Why the pacifists? Cause if they get their way, he's the only one left with a gun, and guess what that means, the killing gets really easy. Then on to Wonder Woman. She's obviously a member of the "Radical Women" or as I call them, Militant Lesbians. Why? Cause she beats up people and lived happily without any men for the vast majority of her life, also, you ever see her do anything with a guy more than punch him? Then the Green Lantern...and I know what you're going to say, Green Party, well, you're almost there. He's a member of Libertarian National Socialist Green Party. Yes, Lib. Nazi Green, it's the ultimate in oxymorons. But they're Nazi good guys. They're pro-good people stuff (like choice, gay and drug) and at the same time they have that nazi mentality of "we're right, you're not, we win." Very Green Lantern. I think I'll do one more, and it's one of my faves, Captain America. He's (obviously) a member of the American Patriot Party. I mean, just the name says it. Granted, absolutely none of their policies align with his views in the comic, but still, the name, damn you, the name!

Second, I want to talk about my favorite phenomenon...Squishy Shoes. For those of you that don't know, that's when you're wearing sneakers and socks and your shoes get water-logged, and they make that "foot fart" sound everytime you step. I call them squishy shoes cause that's how they feel. Well, I love em, they have a great feel to them i say. And you can't beat the fact that when you get squishy shoes you don't get sweaty feet, cause those really suck. Sweaty feet is probably my least favorite feeling, cause they start to stick to the socks and you just know that when you take the shoes and socks off, it won't be fun. I think (other than squishy shoes) a really good way to prevent sweaty feet (and other than sandals too) is to not have feet. I mean, it's not a sacrifice I'm willing to make, but it would prevent it, now wouldn't it? I'm thinking that walking around with no feet would have its perks too. And, not walking, cause well, you need feet for that, but you know what i mean. Anyway,'d never get itchy feet, no need for socks or shoes (so you save money) and last, certainly not least, there's no more of that "well you know how they say the size of a man's feet relate to the size of his penis" crap. Cause for those ladies that don't know, there is no correlation. On the other hand, there is a definite correlation between shoe size and sock size (old joke) and between penis size and similarity to the name Ben Nathan. See, the more letters you have in common minus the superflous letter, well, that's your correlation.

But enough about me, on to the show...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You suck, jackass ...

Little Bro #2