Sunday, June 27, 2004

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Sorry about the inability to do this earlier, I'm new to this whole blog thing. Anyway, let me first start with the new name, Shinola. The story behind this is actually extremely short, odd for a name that off kilter. Anyway, at work, there's this postcard advertisement for Shinola, a shoe-polish brand. The ad shows a tin of their shoe polish next to a pile of dog shit and simply says below it "Know the difference". This was one of the original mottos at 5 Seasons, and I thought it was appropriate, cause I like to believe that my posts aren't dog shit.

Since I am void of original ideas tonight, I'm gonna lean toward talking about stuff I didn't want to post originally. First off, as I just found out from Kristen, not having any caffiene for a long time (about a month) then having a bit causes a nice buzz. This is something I'm gonna have to try, so I think I'm gonna start limiting caffiene intake for the next month and there will be updates on my dellusions, real or created for your amusement.

Secondly, why are bobbleheads so freakin' cool? I only have one, it's of NOMAH!!!! And if you don't know who I'm talking about when I say NOMAH, ask, I'll explain if necessary. Anyway, the bobblehead is the greatest invention of the modern era. Better than the computer, better than coke (both the drug and the drink, which now that I think about it, is as addictive as the drug and probably just as satisfying). I think it's just the fact that those heads are sooooo much fun. Hours of swaying to and fro, to and fro, to and fro, it's hypnotizing. I ask a question, Nomar says yes. I ask another one, still he nods, days of this can go by and he never stops agreeing with me. These bobbleheads, oh, they're not just statuettes for us to admire our heros with, no, it is not idolotry, but they are in fact the best friends ever. They're the ultimate "Yes Man" because they can't say no, they even smile (if made with one) as they nod, oh yes, I love my bobble head.

Thirdly, TICKETMASTER should rot and die a fiery death in hell!!! I just went online to buy some baseball tickets and the convenience charge was like 3-4 bucks a ticket...that's ridiculous!!!

Lastly, Why am I such a wuss? That's an open-ended question for all of you. I know this was a long post, but I like to think it's a funny one.

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