Sunday, March 02, 2008

And so it begins....Again

I know what you're thinking. The world must be coming to an end. After two years of not posting anything, I've decided that it's time to start posting again. This is now more of a combo thing. Not only will I use it for the purpose of ranting, but to just say things that I think I need to say.

I think this one may get a bit serious to start and the funny thing is that almost everyone that reads this won't be a member of the population that used enjoy.

Anyway, In August/September of last year I realized that I was very unhappy with where my life was and took steps to remedy that. I made some small changes (how I present myself to others) and also some very bigs ones (my job, outlook on dating, etc.). Anyway, as unhappy as I was back then (at least when reflecting), I am quite the opposite now. I have spent most of this week in a stupor smiling away. Granted, most things like that can be attributed to people rather than situations, but the fact that I love my job and don't have anything to complain about makes it seems so incredible when something good does come along. I guess I'm just happy and really wanted to say it into a public forum. I could be happier, but that would take way too much effort :-p Just kidding. I'm just feeling lucky, since being me is a freakin' awesome place to be at the moment and I don't think I'd trade it for anything.

Oh, and to all my friends that are responsible for this (I would mention particulars, but I like being vague), thanks. That's really all I wanted to say. I'll do my best to go back to being funny soon, but for now, I'll just settle for being happy.


Lavender.Sachet said...

Why do I not see more sunshine in this post. We want to hear more!

Scoot said...

Hi! I'm reading your blog.